One of the best ways to understand whether a new product or service is right for you is through feedback from other customers. Direct customer testimonials can provide a real insight into what infrared heating is and whether its suitable for you. That’s why we jumped at the chance to visit our customer in his rural home – Tom was so impressed with the benefits of infrared that he invited us to visit and help spread the word to others who are considering which heating system to use.
Our first impressions of entering the house, on a cold but sunny day in 2018, was just how comfortable the environment felt. As Tom explains, before he renovated the house, it had the usual problems typical of an older property feeling cold with various damp issues and this didn’t help his children’s asthma. The house no longer has any damp and Mark is certain that his children’s asthma problems have significantly reduced since the renovation. Tom likes to turn the infrared heating panels on since than in the winter.
The result is a very comfortable and sustainable eco country house which is cost neutral to run and a healthy environment for the family to live in. Whilst on a much larger scale to the average home the same principles can be applied to any house.
Inspire white warming a previously damp playroom ceiling mounted panels
“I found out about infrared panels through a kids chat room website on asthma sufferers. I did more research in the UK and buy them”.
Tom says, “The more I found out about infrared heating the more attractive it was. Almost too good to be true and I wasn’t sure whether it really did what it says”.
He was keen for the aesthetics to blend with the interior design so ceilings were colour-matched to the panels for a stylish yet discreet finish and we were able to demonstrate warming of a cold tiled bathroom floor in less than 2 hours, using just 450W infrared heating.
Infrared heating panel has provided Tom and his family with a low capital, simple to install solution.
Affordable radiant, comfortable heating, is fast becoming an indisputable trend that will facilitate the transition of the UK to a low carbon energy system. Designed for everyone, EcoArt-heating now works for children, adults and even pets. A brilliant product that have the potential to safe lives. EcoArt-heating really does shine a light that shows how technology can make life better for everyone.
Fantastisch, topmateriaal!