
USD $39.90 USD $36.90

Chimney Seal

Large size (43″ x 24″; 109cm x 60cm) Georgian fireplace

Fireplace Damper& Draft Stopper

The simple, cost-effective way to stop chimney draughts, reduce noise and heat loss.  



  1. Chemical Product And Company Identification
    Product Name: Low Density Polyethylene(LDPE) + (PA)
    Recommended use : Can be use of package .
    Molecular formula:[C12H22N2O2]n+[C2H4]n
  2. Hazards Identification
    Product hazard class: None
    Label content: None
    Other hazards: None
  3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
    Pure material:
    Chinese and English name:Low Density Polyethylene & Polyamide Resin
    Synonyms: LDPE +PA
    Chemical Abstracts Service No.(CAS No.): 009002-88-4 、32131-107-2
    The hazardous ingredients(% of the content): Nil

Chemical properties:
Chinese and English names of Concentration or concentration ranges           (ingredient percentage)
the hazardous ingredients
None —

  1. First-aid measures:
    The first aid measures for different exposure routes:
    Inhalation: Dust may cause slight irritation, no significant health effects.
    Skin contact: Rapidly wash off with cool water or shower, if molten material comes in contact with
    the skin. Do not attempt to remove the material from skin.
    Eye contact: Dust may cause slight irritation. Fume may cause eye irritation as mid discomfort.
    Ingestion: None
    The most important symptoms and hazardous effects: None
    The protection of first-aiders: None
  2. Fire Fighting Measures
    Suitable fire extinguishing media: water, water fog, foam, CO2, dry chemical extinguishers.
    Specific hazards may be encountered during fire-fighting: Carbon Monoxide (CO) and
    irritating smoke may emitted when burned without sufficient oxygen.
    Specific fire-fighting methods: Use water spray to cool fire exposed surface and to protect
    personal. Shut off “fuel” to fire.
    Special equipment for the protection of fire-fighters: Wear positive pressure, self-contained
    breathing apparatus in any closed space.
  3. Accidental Release Measure
    Personal precaution: None
    Environmental precaution: None
    Method for cleaning up: Clean up with a shovel and/or vacuum cleaner.
  4. Handling and Storage:
    Handling: Good general ventilation should be sufficient for most conditions. During the
    processing of the material, avoid inhalation of fumes and scald of molten material .
    Storage: Store in a cool, dry place with good ventilation. Away from source of heat and direct
    sunlight. Storage silo must be grounded to prevent static charge. Proper ventilation is
    recommended to control dust formation.
  5. Exposure Control / Personal Protection
    Engineering Control:—
    Control parameters:
    8 hours time average exposure limits/Short-term exposure limits/maximum exposure limits:—
    biological standard:—
    Personal protective equipment:
    Respiratory protection: Use dust-proof mask.
    Hand protection: Use rubber gloves. Use thermal resistant gloves, when needed.
    Eye Protection: Use safety goggles, when dust is present.
    Skin & body protection: No precautions other than clean body-covering clothing should be
  6. Physical and Chemical Properties / Characteristics
    Appearance (physical static, color, etc):
    Odor: negligible
    Translucent Film
    Odor threshold: — Melting Point / Melting Range: 100~111℃

pH Valve: Not applicable Boiling point/boiling point range: Not applicable
Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicable Flash Point: ca.340℃
Decomposition Temperature: Not applicable Test Method: Close Cup
Auto-ignition Temperature: 349℃ Exposure limit: Not applicable

Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Vapor Density: Not applicable
Density: 1~1.01 g/cm3
Solubility In Water: Nil.
Portion coefficient(n-octanol/water, log Kow):— Evaporation rate: Not applicable

  1. Stability and Reactivity
    Stability: Stable at room temperature.
    Possible hazardous reactions under specific conditions: None
    Conditions To Avoid: Temperatures over 500 ℉ (260℃), will release combustible gases.

Materials to avoid: Strong oxidizing agents
Hazardous decomposition procedure: Fumes from decomposition of this material may include
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbon, acetic acid.

  1. Toxicological information
    Routes of exposure: None
    Symptoms: None
    Acute toxicity: None
    Chronic toxicity or long term toxicity: None
  2. Ecological information
    Ecotoxicity: Difficult to biodegradable. It can be recycled using suitable technologies.
    Persistence and degradability: Difficult to nature degrade.
    Bioaccumulative potential: None
    Mobility in soil: None
    Other adverse effects: Fumes from arbitrarily decomposition of this material may include
    carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbon, acetic acid.
  3. Disposal information
    Disposal Information: Disposal must be done in accordance with existing regulations. Bury in
    landfill or burn in an approved incinerator in accordance with applicable regulations.

Chimney Seal working principle

how to seal a chimney

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